Unknown shrinkage : management level
Aimed at:
- Store managers, assistant managers, sector managers
- Identify the sources of unknown shrinkage at a point of sale
- Implement an “anti-unknown shrinkage” action plan
- Detect and deal with internal fraud
Teaching method :
- Aspects of theory
- Performance of an audit
- Experience a real-life situation in-store with a mystery thief
Duration :
Course overview :
- 1- Losses originating externally
- a- Theft from store shelves
- 1- Description
- 2- Prevention
- 3- Control
- 4- Penal framework
- 5- Monitoring
- b- Other external losses
- 2- Losses originating from administrative functions
- a- Merchandise flow
- b- Known shrinkage (this module is developed to a greater or lesser extent depending on the activity)
- c- Inventory
- d- Cash register manipulation
- 3- Losses originating internally
- a- Prevention and the “fraud triangle”
- b- Fraud techniques
- c- Detecting and dealing with fraud
- d- Penal framework
- e- Monitoring
- 4- Security
- a- Use of technical resources
- b- Emergency situations